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TF-IDF Text Analysis in SEO

💡🚀 Ready to boost your SEO with Python? Join my hands-on training designed for SEO professionals! Learn to automate tasks and analyze data easily. Don't miss out—start your journey today! Learn more here.Listen to the podcast - Created by NoteBookLM0:00/622.81× I have attended a

Clusters created by a Python Script using TF-IDF
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Getting Buy-In for Your SEO Strategy

I had the pleasure recently to run a live webinar on the topic of Buy-in. I feel there are many aspects related to buy-in that we don't talk about enough. 💡Don't miss out! Sign up for my upcoming webinar, 'A Tale of Two Courses,'

A screenshot from my live webinar with the title "Getting Buy-in for Your SEO Strategy"
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The SEO Strategy Course

If you've been following me for a while now, you know that I'm building an SEO strategy course and it's one of a kind. Why do I say that? Well because I'm pouring everything I know about strategy into it. I have

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Python For Marketers Workshop

Hello Fellow SEOs and Marketers! Let me introduce you to my latest offering, Python for Marketers Workshop! Python For Marketers 2HR Workshop Signup Never coded before? No problem! This live, interactive workshop is designed to introduce marketers like you to the world of Python. In just 2 hours, you'

Python for marketers workshop banner
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Information Gain in SEO

Every once in a while, there's a new buzzword in SEO. This time it's "information gain". The term is not new and has been in SEO for a while. It dates back to a patent that was filed by Google in 2018 and published

Google Patent on Information Gain
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The SEO ROI of Blog Content

In marketing, we are obsessed with attribution and forecasting so much to build business cases - which is a fair ask btw - that sometimes, we hinder our progress and limit ourselves. Challenges of Conversion Attribution By Channel I remember one time in the past, for a personal project, I

Example of funnel exploration report in GA4 for SEO
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Case Study: Impact of Removing a Duplicate Page

One time I was doing a content audit for a website. One interesting finding was the amount of cannibalized content I found on the blog. The website owner was continually creating content, but some of it heavily overlapped. There are situations where existing content cannibalism doesn’t need to be

Impact of removing a duplicate page
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A Guide to Conducting a SWOT Analysis for SEO

I think I first came across the term "SWOT Analysis" during my startup days. It was commonly discussed in meetings with other founders and as part of accelerator programs. 💡A SWOT (Acronym for strength, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats) Analysis is a 2X2 grid with one dimension representing the

Example of an SEO SWOT Analysis for a website
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How to Look at Data for SEO

”In God we trust. All others must bring data.” I first heard this quote when I was talking to a startup founder - always a refresher to speak to one, they always have the best mindset and ideas!  I’m a firm believer in using data, however, throughout my career

Types of Data Analysis for SEO
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How to Audit and Optimize Your Website for Interaction to Next Paint (INP)

Google announced recently that interaction to next paint is going to replace the FID metric in core web vitals starting March 2024. First Input Delay (FID) measures how long it takes for a website to respond to a user's first interaction. For example, the user lands on your

How to Audit and Optimize Your Website for Interaction to Next Paint (INP)